Monday, April 25, 2011

Impulse Buy

So apart from the random rant post I had earlier I haven't really anything blog-able lately. Tomorrow is the end of passover which I'm rather excited for but of course with every day the daunting Actuarial Exam P looms ever closer. 

But I did do something rather impulsive yesterday.  Buy an iPod touch.  In my defense though my classic is barely operational and it was a 32GB Gen1 iPod touch for $150 in relatively good condition and one of my Fraternity brothers was selling it so since I trust him I went for it - and basically, I love it and it makes me want to get the iPhone 5(?) or whatever it's going to be called that much more.

And of course since I wasn't being unproductive enough before, here let me get a new toy to add to my unrpoductive-ness? Yeah that's going to be a word now.
It's okay though because one of my other fraternity brothers bought an iphone 4 as an impulse buy, so I think he wins (or loses) in this whole impulse buy game.

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